Friday, April 30, 2010

آواي خورشيد

آواي خورشيد همچون اعصار كهن

به مصاف نواي عرصه هاي همجوار مي رود

و با گردشي رعدآسا

مدار مقدر خود را درمي نوردد

هيات آن به فرشتگان نيرو مي بخشد

هرچند هيچ يك ذات آن را در نمي يابند

آثار به غايت ممتاز آفرينش

به همان شكوه روز نخست اند

برگرفته از كتاب: فاوست اثر گوته

Illuminated Prayer

“Dear God,

May every aspect of my being

be converted to Truth.

May every cell fall into place

and serve a higher plan.

I no longer wish to be

who I was. I wish to be more.



An inspiring message

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our
deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.

It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us.
We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous,
talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be?
You are a child of God.

Your playing small does not serve the world.
There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that
other people won't feel insecure around you.

We are all meant to shine, as children do.
We were born to make manifest the glory of God
that is within us.

It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone.
And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously
give other people permission to do the same.
As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence
automatically liberates others.”

ملاقات آن عاشق

هیچ عاشق خود نباشد وصل‌جو
که نه معشوقش بود جویای او

لیک عشق عاشقان تن زه کند
عشق معشوقان خوش و فربه کند

چون درین دل برق مهر دوست جست
اندر آن دل دوستی می‌دان که هست

در دل تو مهر حق چون شد دوتو
هست حق را بی گمانی مهر تو

هیچ بانگ کف زدن ناید به‌در
از یکی دست تو، بی‌دستی دگر

تشنه می‌نالد که: ای آب گوار
آب هم نالد که: کو آن آب‌خوار؟

جذب آب است این عطش در جان ما
ما از آنِ او، و او هم آنِ ما

مثنوي معنوي



...پيراهن احرام از جنس عطر ياسهاي سپيد بر تن كردم

... و چه عاشقانه نسترنهاي باغ را طواف نمودم


Friday, April 16, 2010

قبله ام یک گل سرخ

.قبله ام یک گل سرخ

.جانمازم چشمه ، مهرم نور

.دشت سجاده من

.من وضو با تپش پنجره ها می گیرم

.در نمازم جریان دارد ماه ، جریان دارد طیف

:سنگ از پشت نمازم پیداست

.همه ذرات نمازم متبلور شده است

،من نمازم را وقتی می خوانم

.که اذانش را باد ، گفته باشد سر گلدسته سرو

،من نمازم را ، پی ” تکبیرة الاحرام“ علف می خوانم

. پی ” قد قامت “ موج

،کعبه ام بر لب آب

.کعبه ام زیر اقاقی هاست

.کعبه ام مثل نسیم ، می رود باغ به باغ ، می رود شهربه شهر

. حجر الاسود“ من روشنی باغچه است

سهراب سپهري

Audacity - Vigor

I believe God wants you to know...

..that the method of the enterprising is to plan with
audacity and execute with vigor.

Christian Nevell Bovee said that, and it is a valuable
observation. As you begin thinking about the
New Year ahead, plan with audacity.

And as you move into the New Year, executive your
plans with vigor. There is excitement in life -- but you
have to put it there.

Incidentally, you may begin executing with vigor right
now. Why wait?

Neale Donald Walsch

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Time of Your Beginning

I believe God wants you to know...

...that what a man can be, he must be. This need we call

Abraham Maslow said that, and he was right. Inside of
every living thing is an inner drive, a Divine impulse, to
completely and wondrously self-express. That is, to be
what it is, totally.

What is it you have always wished to be or do?
Make this the Time of Your Beginning, and the Moment
of Your Manifestation.

Don't wait another day!

Neale Donald Walsch