Wednesday, August 25, 2010


I believe God wants you to know...

...that art begs you to notice it.

Why? Because art is God's way of saying hello.

So pay attention to poetry. Pay attention

to music. Pay attention to paintings and sculptures and

photo exhibits and ballets and plays.

Don't let all this go unnoticed.

Your world is shouting out to you, revealing

something intrinsically glorious about itself.

Listen carefully. Love art, the way art loves Life.

Neale Donald Walsch

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Meditating on a rose

...You can get closer to the real creator inside you.

You can do this by meditating on a rose.
Get a beautiful red rose and hold it in front of you. Inhale the fragrance and say to yourself,
“Without me, this flower would have no fragrance.”

Take in the glowing crimson color and say to yourself, “Without me, this flower would have no color.”

Stroke the velvety petals and say to yourself, “Without me, this flower would have no texture.” Realize that if you subtract yourself from any sensation—sight, sound, touch, taste, smell—the rose would be nothing but atoms vibrating in a void.

Now consider the DNA that is inside each cell of the rose. Visualize the billions of atoms strung along a double helix and say to yourself, “My DNA is looking at the DNA in this flower. The experience is not an observer looking at an object. DNA in one form is looking at DNA in another form.” Now see the DNA begin to shimmer and turn into invisible vibrations of energy. Say to yourself, “The rose has vanished into its primal energy. I have vanished into my primal energy. Now only one energy field is looking at another energy field.”

Finally, see the boundary between your energy and the rose’s energy fade as one set of waves merges into another, like ocean waves rising and falling on the vast surface of an endless sea. Say to yourself, “All energy comes from one source and returns to it. When I look at a rose, a tiny flicker of infinity is rising from the source to experience itself.”
Having followed this trail, you have arrived at what is truly real: An infinite, silent energy field flickered for an instant, experiencing an object (the rose) and a subject (you the observer) without going anywhere.

Awareness simply took a look at one aspect of its eternal beauty.

Its only motive was to create a moment of joy. You and the rose stood at opposite poles of that moment, yet there was no separation. A single creative stroke took place, fusing you both.

Excerpt from:The BOOK Of SECRETS,Unlockingthe Hidden Dimensions of Your Life


Think like God thinks!


What is key to living a healthy, happy, love-based life?
Dr.Wayne Dyer: The key is to trust in your own divinity,
to know that you are a piece of God, and
that you are like what you came from.
As a spiritual being, you have Divinity within.
When Albert Einstein was asked about the impact of quantum
physics, he said, “It’s just all details, I just want to
think like God thinks.”
And God thinks in terms of creating, kindness, beauty and goodness.

excerpt from:drwaynedyer/blog

Aesthetic Number(φ)


As beautiful as the number phi(φ) or golden ratio(divine section)
As mysterious as 1.6180339887...


Phi appears in:

The proportions of the human body, Plants, DNA,
The solar system, Art and architesture, Music and etc.


So don't ask me, what's your favorite number?...
now you know:it's number phi:)
Oh, God, HOW beautiful are YOU!!!
words,shallow words can not describe you and
the magnificence of your creation!!!
