Thursday, July 1, 2010


The quality of one's life is in direct proportion to their
commitment to excellence, regardless of their endeavor.

Vince Lombardi said that, and he was right.
Are you committed to excellence in everything you think
and say and do? Ah, yes, it is about thoughts and words, too,
not just about actions. Are you thoughts and words excellent?
And your actions, too?

This does not mean that you must be without errors, by the way,
but only that you must seek to correct them. Do not confuse
"excellence" with "perfection."
The first is possible to
achieve, the second is probably not.

Neale Donald Walsch

Good Thoughts

"Good Thoughts, Good Words, Good ِِDeeds"

« پندار نیک، گفتار نیک، کردار نیک »


پندار نیک، پندار نیک، پندار نیک

گفتار نیک<- پندار نیک

کردار نیک<- پندار نیک